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Berlin University Of The Arts A Hub Of Innovation And Excellence

Berlin University of the Arts: A Hub of Innovation and Excellence

History and Funding

The Graduate School of the Berlin University of the Arts (UdK) was established in 2011 and received funding from the Einstein Foundation until 2018. With its renowned faculty and research programs, the UdK is a leading institution in the field of arts and humanities.

Distinguished Academic Programs

The University of the Arts in Berlin offers doctoral programs in the following fields: *
  • Art History
  • *
  • Music Sciences
  • Furthermore, the UdK grants post-doctoral Habilitation degrees in the humanities.

    Collaborations and Partnerships

    To enhance its doctoral programs, the UdK collaborates with numerous research institutions, including: *
  • Five universities offering doctoral programs with excellent funding opportunities
  • *
  • Outstanding non-university research institutions
  • This collaboration fosters interdisciplinary research and provides students with access to cutting-edge facilities and expertise.


    The Berlin University of the Arts is a beacon of innovation and excellence in the arts and humanities. Its doctoral programs offer exceptional funding opportunities, renowned faculty, and access to groundbreaking research. As a leading institution in Germany, the UdK continues to shape the future of arts and culture through its cutting-edge research and transformative academic experience.
